





The Importance of Protecting Evidence in Subrogation Claim Handling




当停电发生时, 由于业务中断,企业和设施面临着失去关键设备和经历大量停机时间的风险. 虽然自然灾害是一个常见的威胁, another lesser known risk to continuous operation is the breakdown of electrical and mechanical equipment, 哪一种同样具有破坏性. 准备好应急电源和执行应急计划对于保持业务顺利运行至关重要.

关键设施对这种演习并不陌生. 只要计划得当, 备用设备和定期维护计划, they continue delivering expected services without missing a beat when interruption to power supply occurs.


关键设施被定义为在停电情况下仍能保持运行的建筑物, 为公共安全需要连续作业的, 应急管理, 国家安全或业务连续性. 这包括:

  • 数据中心
  • 电子产品制造商
  • 储存易腐产品的设施
  • 食品加工商
  • 政府设施
  • 医院
  • Police, fire, rescue, emergency dispatch and ambulance facilities


电源中断, 虽然这很常见, is one of the easiest to mitigate when facilities are prepared before an event happens. 用于关键设施和许多企业, 未雨绸缪的重要性怎么强调都不为过. 评估应确定关键设施在应急供电情况下必须保持功能的时间以及必须运行的设备.

许多关键设施都有应急配电系统,设计用于在主电源故障时从现场应急电源接收电力. 它们的应急电源来自发电机组或用于发电或储存的不间断电源(UPS).

测试和维护应急发电机是规划和准备停电的关键步骤. It is not uncommon for backup generators to fail to start when needed. 采取以下步骤可以帮助确保在发生电源中断事件时准备好关键设施.

  • Install emergency power capabilities to keep critical operations and systems online throughout an outage
  • Develop a formal contingency plan that responds to a power interruption event
  • Perform regular maintenance to emergency power generators, batteries, switchgear and UPS systems
  • 完成应急电力系统的计划测试,并进行应急演习以模拟停电事件
  • 确保关键员工接受紧急程序培训

An effective emergency power plan is one that provides redundancy, involves scheduled maintenance and reduces vulnerability through well-planned mitigation measures.

Article courtesy of Mutual Boiler Re; the article was originally published in 齿轮在运动, 互锅炉再保险公司的通讯.


一般, 当员工“下班”时," the employer's workers' compensation benefits would not follow them away from the workplace. However, 在某些情况下,雇主可能会被发现对执行特殊任务或在雇主控制和维护的地区工作的雇员承担工人赔偿责任.

例如, 如果你让员工在回家的路上把信送到邮局,而他们在去邮局的路上发生了事故,那么他们就会得到保险. The “special errand" would end once the employee had completed the errand. 在停车场受伤, 人行道和工作场所周围由雇主控制和维护的区域也将被覆盖. 

其他情况包括参加会议, 参加会议, driving personal vehicle to pick up items for the benefit of the employer.

如果你的雇员在他们的工作期间, 执行任务是为了雇主的利益吗, an accidental injury or specific traumatic event involving the back may be covered as well. As always should you have any workers' compensation questions, contact us at 919-715-4000. ​


北卡罗来纳市政365足彩下载风险管理服务理事会于2月21日确定了健康福利信托计划的最终费率st meeting. 这些税率将于2019年7月1日至2020年6月30日生效.

Medical  11.5%
牙科保险    2.3%
展望所有计划    0%
短期残疾    0%
长期残疾    0%
基本生活     0%


新身份证:  今年,所有医疗团体都将收到新的身份证, 虽然旧卡将继续工作,但请注意,新卡有额外的信息,提供商将需要更快地处理索赔. 随着新身份证的打印和邮寄,计划变更和开放注册必须在6月1日之前完成, 2019. 

补充或替代医学(CAM)变化: All covered employees and their covered dependents will be offered the CAM program for a second year. 该计划提供补充和替代治疗,共付30美元,上限为1美元,每计划年000元.


  • 按摩
  • 针灸
  • 阿育吠陀医学
  • 生物反馈
  • 能量医学(参见气功和灵气)
  • 顺势疗法
  • 催眠疗法
  • 按摩疗法
  • 物理疗法
  • 瑜伽疗法


计划变更的30天通知: If you are interested in changing your medical plan or any other employee benefit plan, 请给Lisa Ervin发邮件 lervin@dh865.com 或Julie Hall,网址: jhall@dh865.com

终止通知: The plan requires written notification of any benefit termination by 5/31/2019. Notifications received after 5/31/2019 will be subject to a 2% exiting fee based on current year premium. 请参考本地协议.

解聘或严重降职公务员? Municipalities May Need to Consider Offering a Name-Clearing Hearing. (炮v. 秃头岛村,891楼.3d 489)

市政当局在终止公共雇员的雇佣时需要考虑几个项目,如正当程序, 歧视, 报复和合理通融. 一旦这些项目被考虑和审查, 市政当局需要进一步采取终止措施.  If the termination threatens a public employee's reputation and/or future employment, it is likely that there has been a violation of employee's liberty interest under the 14th 《365足彩下载》修正案.S. 宪法. 如果发生了违规行为, a name-clearing hearing must be offered before any negative or stigmatizing information is made public. It is important to understand when a name-clearing should be offered to a public employee.

Typically, a municipality requires as part of due process that a pre-dismissal conference be held. 解雇前会议是员工可以对涉嫌违反政策的行为提出异议或作出回应的时间。. 在解雇前会议之前, 解雇前通知会发给员工,指出违反政策的行为,并给员工一个具体的日期, 正式解雇前会议的时间和地点. 解雇前会议通知应包括提供洗牌听证会以及具体日期, 时间和地点. 正名听证会 cannot be in conjunction with the pre-dismissal conference because it must be open to the public. 洗牌听证会允许员工邀请任何人参加听证会,以便他们可以洗牌, publicly, 关于对他们提出的指控,以便他们在获得未来就业机会时不会受到污辱.

在解雇前会议之后, 该会议的信息将转发给管理机构(市长-理事会形式的政府)或镇经理(议会-经理形式的政府),以对雇员的雇用做出最终决定. There is an exception to the rule – depending on the form of government, 如果董事会或镇经理在审查解雇事实和员工在解雇前会议上提交的信息后没有解雇该员工, 洗清罪名的听证会应该取消. No dismissal has occurred, so no negative or stigmatizing information has been made public.

一般雇员, 如果管理委员会或城镇经理继续终止和解雇信,并提供负面或污名化的信息(i.e. listing policy violations) is issued, a name-clearing hearing must occur. If a dismissal letter does not contain negative or stigmatizing information, 不需要洗清罪名的听证会. 市政府发出解雇信, 是否可以考虑不列出违反政策的行为,或者像解雇前会议中讨论的那样列出解雇的原因." If no negative or stigmatizing information is made public in a dismissal letter, 没必要举行洗清罪名的听证会.

对于宣誓就职的执法人员来说,洗清罪名的听证会是 always 要求. 这一要求是因为该信息报告给北卡罗莱纳州刑事司法标准的F-5B (LE),特别是在要求“调查原因的详细描述”部分.“进一步, if negative or stigmatizing information is reported on the F-5B (LE) due to a resignation, the same requirement for offering the name-clearing hearing stands.

If you have questions about name-clearing hearings as part of due process or about pre-dismissal conference's, please reach out to the League's Human Resource Consultants Heather James at hjames@dh865.com 或哈特韦尔·赖特 hwright@dh865.com.

另外, 365足彩下载将于6月18日在加纳市政厅为人力资源专业人士提供关于澄清姓名听证会程序的培训, 2019. 更多信息可在网上查询.​

The Importance of Protecting Evidence in Subrogation Claim Handling​​

代位求偿权是一种法律理论,其中一个人有权为自己的利益强制执行另一个人现有的或恢复的权利. 代位求偿权通常因法律的实施而产生, 但也可能由法规或协议引起. 代位权的要件包括产品有缺陷, that this product was in the same condition as it was when manufactured, 由于缺陷直接造成了代位求偿权所要求的损害,最终导致了产品的不合理危险, 损害的性质和程度.              

Successful subrogation depends on the preservation of evidence – and later analysis of the evidence. 这个信息对整个过程非常重要.  It is essential that evidence is retained and the chain of custody is detailed appropriately; likewise, strict packaging and transportation measures must be in place to protect the evidence's integrity.  Adhering to these protective measures from  the beginning of the claim, will help the subrogation process move forward – a subrogation claim is only as strong as its weakest link, and that weakest link is almost always created or discovered early on, 当记忆清晰,证据确凿时.           

例如, 车辆轮胎爆胎索赔, in order to successfully pursue subrogation against a manufacturer, that claim would not proceed very far without appropriate evidence. 在这种情况下, 所需的最低证据是有问题的轮胎, the original purchase invoices that show the model number and serial number of the product, 如果有的话, 制造日期. 不幸的是, often evidence remains behind where it fails to be properly retained, 或者被修理厂丢弃. It is imperative to ensure that the evidence is properly retained and available for inspection by our expert. 运营商负责教育会员,并向他们解释为什么这个过程很重要. Without their cooperation,  there is little hope for successfully recovering their deductible amount.

公司需要保留证据,并根据需要对其进行测试,以证明疏忽的生产程序, but cooperation from the member is an important step in this process. 对理算员来说,收集证据可能是有益的, 如果身体条件允许的话, 还在现场的时候. 这可能有助于确保证据得到保存.  通过优先考虑适当保留和处理证据, 代位求偿权的可能性急剧增加. ​​
